Vegetable Seeds - Organic/Demeter
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Vegetables Seeds - Organic / Demeter
Leaf beet Five Colours - -200 seeds - Beta vulgaris
A leaf beet with coloured stems and leaves. Sow from May until mid July in rows 30cm apart. Sow seeds 2.5cm deep and 2cm between the seeds. Leaf beet is an easy to grow leaf crop, it will grow well even in poor soils. Can be cut several times and will tolerate some frost.
Courgette Alberello - 10 organic seeds - Cucurbita pepo
A non-trailing variety, with light green, slightly marbled, gently curved cylindrical fruits. Open growth and prolific, early, fruit formation. The fruits have a fine taste and consistency. Sow from April indoors at min. 20ºc. Sow the seeds in seed trays and transfer the seedlings into pots or sow directly into pots. Courgette grows best in a warm sunny place. They can grow outside or in a cold-frame. Harden the plants off slowly and plant outside after the last frost. One plant per m².
Leek Blue Green Winter /Husky - 200 organic seeds - Allium porrum
For late winter or early spring harvest. Can stand heavy frosts. Sow seeds from February, 6mm deep in rows 40cm apart, later thin to 15cm between the plants, or raise plants in a seedbed or in modules. Leeks grow best in a deep fertile soil. Plant the pencil thick plants out in June at 40x15cm. Ridge up a few times when the plants are growing.
Aubergine De Barbentane - 25 organic seeds- Solanum melongena
Produces dark glossy cylindrical fruits, 20-25 cm long. Sow seeds from January in a seed tray or direct into pots or modules. Place in light at 25ºC. Transfer the seedlings into pots or modules, and grow them on at 25 ºC. Plant in a heated greenhouse or during the summer in unheated greenhouse or poly-tunnel. Planting distance 75 x 50 cm.
Broccoli Purple Sprouting (Late) - 100 organic seeds - Brassica oleracea var. Italia
A late maturing variety, strong growing plants. Sow in May-June in a seedbed or in modules.
Transplant in June/July. Planting distance 60 x 60 cm. Pick shoots from early to late spring when they are about 15 cm long and the flowers are in bud.
Carrot Gniff - 800 organic seeds - Daucus carota
Slow growing variety that can be lifted and stored in sand over winter. Purple outer skin, white inside loses some colour when cooked. Fairly intolerant of wet conditions. Sow outdoors May to June. Nutrient requirements fairly low.
Dolciva - 800 organic seeds - Daucus carota
Juicy, Nantes type selected for taste with rapid juvenile development and healthy, sturdy foliage. Resistant to Alternaria. Cultivation period: approx. 120 days. Suitable for bunching and for late cultivation for storage. Sowing from end of February for early harvest to the end of May for storage. Sow seeds from February until end of May in rows 20-25cm apart, 6-13mm deep. Try to space the seeds 1cm apart. Keep well weeded and avoid thinning late as this encourages carrot root fly attack.
Celeriac Monarch - 150 organic seeds - Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
Forms large roots with a white inner colour. The roots have a delicate nut-like flavour. A good variety for storage. Sow seeds from March to end of April into seed trays or modules. Transfer seedlings into pots or modules, plant outside from mid May. Planting distance 32 x 32 cm. Can also grow in polytunnel, greenhouse or under fleece.
Kale Nero Di Todcana - 100 organic seeds - Brassica oleracea acephala
These strong plants produce long, thin, dark crinkled leaves for winter picking. Sow early in spring for a summer crop or in late spring for a winter crop. Raise plants in a seedbed and plant out at a distance of 60x40cm.
Kohlrabi Delicacy White - 125 organic seeds - Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes
Small white kohlrabi. Kohlrabi forms a turnip-like swollen stem with a delicate flavour. For early harvest sow in February or March under glass into a seed tray and transplant seedlings into pots or modules. Plant outside from mid March. For autumn harvest sow from mid June on a seed bed or direct into modules and plant out in July, harvest from September.
Turnip Purple Top Milan - 300 organic seeds - Brassica rapa
A general-purpose variety for fresh use and storage. Can be sown early. Thin the plants later to a distance of 7 to 10 cm. Harvest can start in the summer. For storage harvest in autumn before frost start. Twist off leaves and store in a frost-free place covered in sand.
Cabbage: White Chateaurenard - 100 organic seeds - Brassica oleracea var. capitata
Early cabbage with pointed heads for summer and early autumn cutting. Sow seed from mid February in seed trays or directly into modules or pots. Sow in April for a late summer crop. Transfer the seedlings into modules or pots and plant out after six weeks at a distance of 50x40cm. All cabbages grow best when the temperatures are not too hot and where moisture is readily available. They require a fertile soil rich in humus.
Spinach Butterflay - 800 organic seeds - Spinacia oleracea
Very robust plant with dark green leaves. For spring, autumn and winter cultivation. Slow to bolt. For spring and autumn sowing. Sow in rows 15cm apart. Spinach requires a very fertile, moist soil.
Beetroot Tondo di Chioggia - 200 organic seeds - Beta vulgaris
A beetroot with white rings in its bright red flesh. Sow seeds from April till June in rows 30cm apart 2.5cm deep. Thin the plants later to a distance of 7 to 10 cm. Harvest can start in the summer. For storage harvest in autumn before frost start. Twist off leaves and store in a frost-free place covered in sand.
Beetroot Burpees Golden - 200 organic seeds - Beta vulgaris
Sweet mild flavour and an attractive golden colour. For early crops sow March-early April. For use in summer and autumn make successional sowings from late April to July. Store roots in dry sand, soil, or peat for winter use. (12-16 weeks maturity.)